Day: December 16 2016

Gaudete! … Rejoice!

Angela Hanley shares her experience of the 18th Annual LGBT Christmas Carol Service, that she says ” turned out to be the spiritual event of the year for me.”

“As I sat there I thought: ‘Surely, this is all part of the meaning and mystery of the Incarnation? That God became human unconditionally. To be LGBT is also to be wholly graced by God who became incarnate for all humanity, not just a select few, to show us by words and example how to be properly human.’ “

“I felt warmth, welcome, acceptance, joy, a deep sense of the presence of God and the powerful sense of community – not a gathering of individuals who happen to be in the same place because of a common belief – but a real, joyful sense of community. In other words, it truly was ekklesia in its fullest sense.”

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